Thursday, August 20, 2009

A certified South Africa First-Aider!

Hello all of you,

I wanted to give you a bit of an update about what is going on in my life here but please I also love knowing what is happening in your lives so any time you want to write me or leave me notes on Facebook or something please do.

This past week our school was learning First Aid. Really cool subject even though it was mostly review for me. I did an EMT-Basic course two years ago and learned all about keeping people alive. My certification just ran out in May though so this was great timing. It is surprising how much you forget when you aren't using it. I passed my CPR exam this morning so I am now officially a First-Aider in South Africa anyway. I really loved the whole week because our teacher was a great man; very experienced but very humble and he is a fully alive Christian. I've never had medical teaching that goes hand in hand with Biblical truth before and it definitely makes a difference. Every morning our class has either worship or intercession together and our teacher this week joined us for that before teaching.

Next week, we are focusing on outreach into the local community. We are finding out tomorrow morning what exactly we are doing but one thing I know is that this Wednesday afternoon we are presenting a health teaching to a group of kids in a really poor community near us. We decided to teach on personal hygiene and it should be a lot of fun. Also this Friday night there is a youth concert that is being run by a worship leader for the young people of Worcester. I am very excited for this because these youth face so many battles and I mean intense ones. They are living a country with the worst crime rates, high HIV/AIDS infection, and wrong mindsets left from apartheid. If you happen to think about it please pray for this Friday evening (it would be earlier in the day in America). Pray that the youth will have the courage to respond and that they will hear the Truth when they come and recognise it. I plan to attend it mainly to be there and pray for them as it is happening. I am excited to see what God has in store for the young people of South Africa.

Alright, I have a book report due in a week (on a book I haven't read yet:) and a teaching plan due Monday so I am going to work on that. See you later!

Isimbi Johanna


Anonymous said...

Very Cool Johanna!
Congratulations!! We are proud of you.
I was reading in my book that South Africa had the highest HIV/AIDS concentration in the world. The book is older and after your comments see that it is still true. We will keep praying for you and for your outreaches.
In Christ,
katie, jason and alex

Glo said...

I love it also when medical teaching and Biblical truth go together! I"m reading a book called What the Bible Says About Healthy Living. God laid it out for us how to be healthy and we can bring glory to Him with our bodies also.

It's terrific what you'll be able to teach US! ;)
XO Mumma

Anonymous said...

My bug,

I am so excited for you, practical use of what you learn is always exciting. I wish I could see you in action teaching kids about how to stay healthy. (you should have taught yourself that a few weeks ago). I am so proud of you. I will certainly pray about Friday night, and I am in the same time zone as you, so I can pray at the exact time it is happening! I love and miss you

Anonymous said...

Hi there sweetie,
You are awesome. So excited for you and all the opportunities you have there to grow and serve.
We anticipate Abby and Matt's return to us this afternoon, along with the rest of the team members of course. I know their lives will never be the same again!! Blessings on your week.
Praying for you,

michele downen said...

always love reading your updates Johanna!! Keep up the great work you're doing. how did the concert go on Friday?

love from NH! :)

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for you!! We got to teach on HIV/AIDs too in Rwanda, and it is so humbling to be teaching that info in an area where it literally means life or death to the people listening. I will be praying for you too on Friday, so that God might use you in the midst of his children there. Ndagukunda, Isimbi!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bug,

Leland just sent me a sad story about Zimbabwe education. My heart just hurts for that nation. PLEASE be safe while you are there, it seems like a bad situation.