Monday, January 28, 2008

Praying for Kenya (and Johanna's outreach)

Johanna's YWAM class is praying for the doors to open for a time of outreach in the country of Kenya beginning in early March. Needless to say the continuing levels of ethnic violence and unrest following the elections in late December are of a great concern. Please continue to pray for God's grace to be received by the Kenyan people, for protection and a voice for those who will lead the country to a more peaceful future, and for wisdom and guidance for those who are currently working in the country and others (like Johanna's class) who would make a positive difference.

The image above is taken from a Google Earth rendition of eastern Africa. I have added an outline of the area of western Kenya where most of the violence has occurred thus far. As you can see the country of Rwanda is located west of Kenya (across Lake Victoria) and a land journey from Rwanda into Kenya would be difficult without some exposure to these areas of tension.

I am also including this link to a blog site for the workers of an organization called World Concern. They are currently managing a camp for some of the IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons = refugees within a country in the language of international relief agencies) in the town of Narok (which you can see marked on the southern edge of the outlined area). Please continue to remember these and others who would help Kenya to heal!

** Update from Johanna on 1/29/08 **
Hi! So my e-mail won't open at the moment so can you say hi to the family for
me and let them know that I am still alive. I'll try again on the weekend. I am
going to Athi River, Kenya for outreach. Tell the parents to try calling me
sometime Thursday night k? {sent via FaceBook}
Athi River is located about 20 miles southeast of Nairobi (the capital) - LjB

1 comment:

Melissa Skinner said...

Hey Jo!

I miss you and you are in my thoughts often!

I will definitely keep you and your team in my prayers for your up and coming trip to Kenya! Be careful lil lady! My heart goes out to all of those being affected by the turmoil right now. I am interested to hear more about the Congo! God has placed this area of Africa on my heart and I would love to hear more of what you have to say about it!

Love you!
