Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hello from Montana!

Hey there everybody!

So it has been a while since I posted anything and I thought I should give you a little update.

OK well the main thing is that I am living in Montana right now. I moved out here about a month ago and got an apartment with Mindy and Kate who are two of the girls that were in my DTS. I really like MT. It is so different when compared to NH. I am also discovering how stressful living on your own in America can be but it is a good learning experience for me:)

I still keep in touch with a lot of my classmates. I e-mail mostly with the ones from East Africa although Didier and I talk on the phone regularly. A lot of the students are now staff at various YWAM bases. I miss them all so much. It was so great to see Kate and Mindy after a summer apart. I will hopefully be spending a week in Seattle with Laura in October so I am looking forward to that.

I have not heard anything more from Selassie nor has anyone been able to get in touch with him. I will pray for him and think of him for the rest of my life. I trust God with his life whether I ever see him again or not.

As for my future plans...I will stay in MT until about May of next year and then will spend about a month with my family before heading back to Africa. My tentative plans for now are to go back to Rwanda in June for around a month to visit my friends and then head down to South Africa from there. The Primary Healthcare school in Worcester, South Africa starts in July so that timing should work. I am in the process of applying to that school now. Well, those are my next steps for now and then who knows where I'll end up!

I'll try to update once in a while but it's not as fun writing from the US as it was from Africa. I don't have any goat killing or amazing children to tell stories about here:)

Love, Isimbi Johanna


Mama K said...

O Johanna, you shine from wherever you post! =) Good to hear from you after a long silence. =)

Anonymous said...

Hey, dear granddaughter, it is good to hear from you again. I'm sorry that by the time I see you again it will be almost 2 years!! I look forward to more posts from you (we like to hear from you even if you don't think you have anything exciting to report).

Love and best wishes,
Grandma Kaye

Anonymous said...

Montana!!!!! I didn't know you left NH. I bet the mountains are gorgeous. You will have to send pictures. I'll keep you in my prayers. Love you bunches
Aunt Di xoxo

Anonymous said...

Montana is a better place because YOU are there!
I will miss you at Christmas, but we have MAY!!
I love you, XO

Anonymous said...

as the raven flies, nm & mt are not really that far apart... known as the "land of enchantment", i would be very honored to be your host & tour guide if ever you feel so inspired to travel south to this beautiful state i now call home.

your cousin in nm

robert agaba said...

Ndagukumbuye..worcester is a small pretty mountain place,I am sure you are gonna like it..I talked to your school leader and she really want the outreach to be in zimbabwe[part of our outreach was there..i couldn't go becoz of visa issues].But rwanda is the best place you would want to be. love you.robert