Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fever, fever, fever

Hi all,

So I am just letting you know that I could use some extra prayers for health at the moment. I came down with some sort of flu bug over the weekend that has knocked me flat. I've been coughing my lungs out just about and I keep swinging back and forth with a high fever which is unusual for me. I spent the day in bed on Sunday since my fever was 39.4 C [102.9 F*] and I thought that would be the end of it but the next morning it was back. I took medicine and was doing better most of the day but then the fever was back up over 39 [102.2 F*] by last night. Besides just feeling awful and not being able to hear or smell because I am so stuffed up I am really ready to be done with this fever. People here have been great with praying for me and giving me time to rest but I figured the more prayers the better. Hopefully, I can stay fever free tonight, get some rest, and be fully restored in the morning.

Isimbi Johanna

P.S. It has been funny in class the past two days because we are talking about the eyes, ears, and nose. I felt like a walking demonstration of all the infections you could get.


Glo said...

Sigh...that's all, just a big SIGH............
Ok, that's not all. I"m thankful that you are with praying, medical-type people!

I love you more.


Anonymous said...

Hi Johanna,

We are so proud of you and encouraged by your faith and all the work that you are doing. We will ask our small group to pray for you this evening when we meet. Thank you for your witness as you live out the heart of the Gospel!

In Him,

Jason and Katie

Uncle Claude said...

Johanna, just know we are praying for you, those tropical bouts are no fun, how well we know. But the Lord is still the great Healer. PTL

Anonymous said...

Dearest granddaughter, I am lifting you up to the Throne for a quick recovery from this "bug".
Love, Grandma Kaye

Anonymous said...

Hey you, I wish I were there to make you drink oral rehydration packets and take your temperature every 5 min. I am so sorry that you are sick. I will come visit you with 7 silent, staring doctors very soon and we will make sure we DONT ever tell you what is wrong with you.

LOVE you