Wednesday, July 1, 2009

On my way to South Africa

Hi people,

I am leaving for SA in a couple of hours. I would love to ask for your prayers as I travel to a new country. I have to sit in the Johannesburg airport overnight so I need to stay awake and is not exactly the safest place. Please pray that all my bags arrive, that I don't get bothered by anyone (though Robert, like a typical big brother, has been giving me advice on where to hit a guy if he attacks me) and that someone is there to pick me up when I arrive in Cape Town. I am very excited to be going to SA but very sad to leave Laura and Rwanda. I will let you know that I have arrived as soon as I am able!

Isimbi Johanna


Glo said...

My dear Isimbi Johanna, Karen Huard said, "Wow, you have a lot of faith to let her go so far away from home." HAH! She doesn't know you - "let you"?? ;)

Not sure that WE will sleep either for your comments that we already believed about that airport...and Joel laughed about Robert's helpful advice!

Guess we'll just have to trust you to YOUR Heavenly Father - guess we can trust HIM - that's where our hearts rest and they DO rest there.

Loving you more all the time, xoxo

Anonymous said...

Am praying right now for your safety. It's 7 pm here, so it's (I think) 2 am in Rwanda. I don't know what time that makes it in South Africa, but I'm fairly sure that I am covering you in prayer at some point in the middle of the night!!! Please post that you are safe, once you arrive. Imana ibahe umugisha ALWAYS!! even in the middle of the night!!

Ndagukundu Isimbi!