Monday, July 13, 2009

A Quick Update

Hi all of you,

Sorry I haven't been writing in a while. I had a bunch of stuff due today so I have been busy. They really waste no time in this school. We have another lecture tonight after supper to fit in everything we need to this week.

I have at least settled in more here so I feel a little more at home although I really wish it wasn't so cold here. We started work duties today, which we have to do on top of all our schoolwork :), and the days are going to go by very quickly now. Last week we were talking a lot about mother/child health and nutrition. Our teacher was great and I am so glad that I came to do this school. I know that God will be teaching me a lot this year. This week we are talking about counseling and how to get people to talk to us. Oh, and I have started going to a nearby gym. Really fun and really hard work since I'm not used to it. I enjoy weight-lifting the most. I go with two of the girls from my school and a guy on staff here at the base who used to work in a gym back in Colorado. Us girls are barely able to move at the moment.

Please pray if you think about it for the three students we are still waiting for. One is a guy from Liberia and then two women from Nigeria. They are all having trouble getting visas but we are really praying that they will make it in time.

OK, I have dinner soon and then lectures so I should go. Talk to you later!

Isimbi Johanna


Anonymous said...

Muraho Igi-simba! I am glad you are learning so much. I will be praying for you other students for sure. I am jealous that you can go to a gym easily. Your base leader is here now, he is AMAZING, you should get to know him if you can!



Glo said...

Well! Happy duties, and lectures, and schoolwork, and lifting those weights! If you keep it up, when you're my age you will be very happy you did. ;)

And it's "We" girls, not, 'us'. Well, I WAS your first teacher...and a privilege it was!

I love you, good night. xo