I have not been able to get to the internet as much but will try to do
better. Ministry here is going well although it is already tiring. I
spent two days the beginning of this week in the hospital. Don't panic
family:) My friend got malaria so I stayed in the clinic to take care
of her. It was a good glimpse for me into the way clinics here work.
They took good care of her but so many other things were frustrating.
I want to work at a clinic like that so that I can see it improve! As
for the other things I've done; probably the most exhausting and also
the most rewarding is Amacet. Amacet is a home for young children
living with HIV/AIDS or babies that need someone to take care of them
for a time. It is grueling work, particularly the 14-hour overnight
shifts, but the kids make it all worth it. This afternoon our team is
going to an Easter celebration where we have been asked to
participate. I'm not much of a singer but at least I'm in a group.
Today makes exactly three weeks left in Soroti and then we will
hopefully go on to Athi River, Kenya for the last month. Your prayers
about that would be appreciated. The other thing to pray for is the
upcoming month of April. It is the hardest month of the year for
Rwandans because it brings so many memories of the genocide and is
often the anniversary of the deaths of their families . I am grateful
actually that we are not in Rwanda next month but it will still be a
difficult time for many of our team members. They are my family now
and the pain they experience is intense enough that I feel it as well.
Oh, to be honest I quite miss Rwanda. I will be back there for two
weeks before I go home at least. Well, I must go...Monday is my day
off next week so I will try to write more then. Bye! See you in June!
Isimbi Johanna
I have no idea where I will next be writing you from as I am leaving
this Tuesday morning to go to Soroti. It is a long bus ride but the
exciting thing is that we will drive across the Equator and right by
the source of the Nile! We expect to be in Uganda for about a month
and then we will hopefully be heading on to Kenya depending on how the
situation is by then. I am looking forward to seeing another African
country. Mostly I am excited for what I know the Lord can do through
our team. My prayer is that we will put aside who we are in order to
better reflect our Creator.
It looks like I will probably not be going straight to South Africa
after DTS is over. The base has not responded to me yet and I have a
very limited time in which to prepare the details if I were to go. I
am sad to miss the adventure it could have been but I know that I will
have others. So that means I will most likely be coming home in the
end of May. I expect I will be around for at least a couple months
before heading out somewhere. I am also still going to pursue going to
the Primary Healthcare School in South Africa next year. That will
give me time to work before I go. I will be spending time praying
about this next stage in my life as I come home.
First, though, I am looking to be used in ministry in Uganda and
Kenya. There is more than one AIDS ministry that I hope to be able to
work with. I will write to all you dear people as soon as I can!
Isimbi Johanna
P.S. I have not seen or heard from Selassie. Even if I never see him
again I will pray for him the rest of my life. He is my twin brother.
I will be leaving a week from today to go to Soroti, Uganda. In fact,
I just came from the Ugandan Embassy here where I was working on
getting my visa. It is exciting to go and sad to leave Rwanda. OK a
short recap of my time here...In the past three months I have:
And the list could go on and on but I am out of time! I will try to
write again soon. Miss you all and love you!
Isimbi Johanna