Monday, March 10, 2008

Africa's Potential

I'm back again! Two days in a row I have been able to post something!
I ran off to the internet quick in between packing and cleaning to get some last minute things in order. I will have to hop on the back of a moto to get back in time for supper.
I have to say that one thing I came to believe in the past year has been confirmed beyond doubt for me in Rwanda. Africa as a continent has the potential to become a great teacher to the rest of the world about the healing power of the Almighty God. I know that at first glance that doesn't seem likely. The few things to be heard in the news are not inspiring or reassuring especially because there is truth in them. Nevertheless, I'm telling you that I believe with absolutely certainty that God has been holding back a powerful weapon to reach the world and it's Africa. There is something stirring on the horizon of this place. I first sensed it in West Africa although I didn't know what it was at the time and I can feel it here as well. It is exciting for me because I have had the belief confirmed by multiple people who sense the same thing. I don't know if it will happen in my lifetime but I would love to see it! When God unleashes Africa, which I think will happen as more people here begin to seek His face, the world will stand in awe at the way God is reflected. It makes me so excited! We serve an amazing God who turns the worst into something wonderful. Remember that the next time you hear another horrible story or statistic about this continent because He can and will use to show His glory to all humanity.
I could talk about this for hours but since I am leaving at five in the morning to drive to Uganda I need to go:) I will arrive sometime Wednesday and I'll talk to you as soon as I can. Bye! Love you all!
Isimbi Johanna

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