Hello all,So this will be my last post before I go to Zimbabwe which means I don't know when you will hear from me again. Hopefully, I can find a computer to use to let everyone know I'm still alive sometime this week.We are leaving tonight at 7 and will reach Johannesburg around noon tomorrow. We stay there overnight and then continue on to Zim; we should arrive in Bulawayo sometime on Thursday.Concerning prayer, just keep it coming! The base prayed for our team this morning to send us off and you can never pray too much. Zimbabwe needs prayer for sure but I believe God has great things in store for turning this country back to Him and I am excited to see a glimpse of it in the coming months. We are praying for safe travels of course and then some things to keep in mind are unity amongst our team, wisdom in our words and actions, and most importantly that God would use us to glorify Him in Zimbabwe. We may be going there as a health care team but really God can use us however He wants.As for me, I am so excited to be going. I love seeing new countries! Time goes by so fast and I want to make the most of the 2 months I have in Zim. Before I know it I'll be going back home for Christmas. I look forward to seeing you all in December and I will write to you from Zimbabwe. Bye!Isimbi Johanna
Hi dear people,I am borrowing my lovely Lissia's computer but she is from France so her keyboard is a little strange for me; if there are any typos it's because of that. The plus side is that I get to listen to fantastic French music as I write this. Someday I will be fluent in French.Seriously, anyone who thinks that being a Christian means you are always going to lead a boring life full of rules is missing out on so much. I can barely begin to list the amazing things I get to do just because of where following Christ leads me. I'm going to Zimbabwe in 6 days because of Him. I wanted to remind you all of one of the ways that our God blesses us; by giving us adventures. He's so cool!I and my classmates had a wonderful time in Knysna as I said. We had some interesting days together learning more about our personalities and differences but it was good. We are spending this week cramming in some last lectures before we leave. Our teaching is on the nervous and endocrine systems which I didn't realize I would like so much. They are such delicate and incredibly important systems that are created so beautifully how could you study them and not glorify our Creator God. Really amazing. On Monday we are on our way. We take a bus from here in Worcester to Johannesburg which will be about 16 hours. We'll stay in Joburg overnight and then take a combi to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Please be praying for safe travels and that we can get across the border as soon as possible. The police can take a rather long time checking everyone's bags and then visas take time as well. Still I've driven across borders in Africa before and it is really fun. It's a great way to see the nitty-gritty of a country. I have been learning whatever I can about Zim before we go and God has blessed me with some great opportunities to talk with people about it. I'm so excited to go!I will talk to you again before we leave. Thanks for your prayer!Isimbi Johanna
Hi all,Someday I hope that I get to grow old. The past week and half has been a wonderful experience. The home our team has been working at is amazing and the ladies who started it are an inspiration to anyone about how to persevere. We have been doing all sorts of things from working in the kitchen or ironing laundry to assisting with bathing the residents and giving them meals. I am reminded of what a privilege it is to stay alive long enough to grow old. Some of the people we work with have seen a lot here in South Africa over the years. Unfortunately for us, many of the residents only speak Afrikaans or if they do speak English they are not exactly completely in touch with reality but it definitely makes for some interesting conversations.The time here has gone by so fast and I can't begin to tell you everything that has happened. I don't have long on the internet so I will update you in more detail next week when we return to Worcester for one last week of lectures. The most exciting thing I have to tell you is that two weeks from now I will be in Zimbabwe! I will talk to you later
Isimbi Johanna
A BBC team has been to Zimbabwe, four months since a power-sharing government took over, to meet the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Harare, Robert Ndlovu. To hear his narration of a 2:30 minute audio slide show and see what life is like for the Zimbabwe's children click here [click 'Show captions' for better viewing].L. Beachy
Hi all,I wanted to let you guys know that I am leaving tomorrow to go on the first part of my outreach. Our class is going to Knysna, South Africa to work in a long-term care home for elderly and paraplegic people. It is around four hours from Worcester and we will be there until Sept. 21st. When we return we have one last week of classes and then on the 28th we leave for Zimbabwe.Speaking of Zim, I was very blessed this morning to get to visit with my friend Rob from Zimbabwe. I met Rob about two years ago in Manchester, NH way before I ever had plans to go to Zimbabwe. He has since moved back to Zim and was here in SA visiting friends so we met in Cape Town to catch up. I think it is just so cool how God knows our lives before we live them. I had no idea but He knew that I would be in Zim someday. I really am so excited to see this country; from what I hear God is turning things around from what they were like even just last year.I will write you as soon as I can and definitely before I go to Zimbabwe:)Isimbi Johanna